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the woman God created me to be / ruth

Writer's picture: taylor allentaylor allen

today we will be doing a profile on Ruth. another one of my favorite stories. this one will probably be unpacked multiple ways!

“we need women who are so strong, they can be gentle. so educated that they can be humble. so fierce that they can be compassionate, + so passionate that they can be rational. so disciplined that they can be free”
~ kavita ramdas


🪴 what God gave Ruth + every woman // loyalty, love, long suffering, work ethic, + independence

🌱 what we can learn from Ruth // this is probably the characteristic most women identify the most within themselves. the ability to be loyal, work hard, + love strongly. Ruth had such loyalty towards her late husband that she chose to stay with his mother although she urged her to go back home. she didn’t just sit around his mother either, she went to work. and through her work, she found favor with Boaz. this passage also shows a woman’s ability to provide for herself + her family! and then.. a man had even admired and noticed her for it! so a man should also respect a woman’s work ethic, not be intimidated or see her as lesser.

⚠️ the warning for women // don’t let hurt or loss change the type of woman that you are. don’t allow life circumstances to discourage you from having qualities that are admirable, noble + priceless. there are certain qualities within a woman that are invaluable, + the right man will notice them and until then.. continue to work, provide for your family, + remain the true gem that you are.



🪴 what God gave Ruth + every woman // desire, submission, beauty, + patience

🌱 what we can learn from Ruth // so in chapter 3, Ruth makes her move! lol. one of the things i love most about the Bible is it keeps it real honey. Ruth’s mother in law said baby you’re too good to be alone, this is what you need to do to get his attention!🤗😏😂 no, but seriously, there is nothing wrong w catering or submitting to the right man! now we know that boaz is a upright man, bc before he took ruth, he wanted to make sure that the man who was technically next in line had a fair opportunity (4:7-9) . ruth was also patient while he handled the matter (3:18) . In this passage we also learned that God is a redeemer to what women have lost through life circumstances.

⚠️ the warning for women // there is no need to force what God has for you🙏🏽 it doesn’t have to come by manipulation or deception. allow a man to pursue you, but there is nothing wrong w making your interest known; the desires that you have for partnership are nothing to be ashamed of! get dressed, put on your favorite scent, + make yourself desirable(3:3-4) 💋

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