our profile today will be on Abigail🤍 this is one of my favorite stories when it came down to the type of woman God called me to be.
🪴 what God gave Abigail + every woman // humility, patience, confidence, wisdom, resourcefulness, + discernment
🌱 what we can learn from Abigail // Abigail made a very quick decision, utilized her resources, + humbly pled her case in boldness to David (verse 24). what stood out to me is that she waited until her husband was sober to tell him the severity of what he had done (verse 36) . at the time when i read this, i couldn’t even wait 1 second if i felt like you were in the wrong - she waited an entire day just because he was in good spirits. she was blessed to become David’s wife because of how she carried herself. she didn’t bash her husband, she was literally married to a fool, yet that didn’t change the type of woman she chose to be and it saved an entire nation.
⚠️ the warning for women // timing is very important, Abigail shows us that. pride, anger, + judging can slow us down. Abigail made judgments, but she didn’t voice them all. when she did, it was at the right time. she made decisions based on priority, rather than allowing small details to affect the greater good. allow this story to grow your patience, your understanding for others, + to highlight the resources you have in your life although some areas you may lack in. there is a king ready to take you as his wife, but how are you a queen in the situation you’re in right now?