in the words of my dear friend Meredith Grey, life really is messy sometimes. no matter how many times you clean up or turn the page to get to the ending.
maybe you just lost a job or you're looking for one.
maybe you lost a loved one or searching for love yourself.
maybe you're dreading the holiday szn or the year has already been tough enough.
Sis, it's a part of life. Embrace the uncertainty. Let your tears fall. Confide in someone else. Breathe out. Run after God, because He is surely chasing after you.

I love this scripture because it reminds me that God never promised us a mess-less life, he did however promise us an expected end. At any and every sign of trouble, God has promised us one result, victory.
We don’t fight from a place of negotiation we fight knowing that we are living in the finished work of Jesus, our savior. No matter what it may look like in this physical realm, spiritually we have already overcome🤍