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ab·sti·nence /// reason #2

Writer's picture: taylor allentaylor allen

PT1, day 2 | sound on 🎙

gateway sin


STDs: sexually transmitted demons, dysfunction, + deception

this morning’s message was very rough for me to get out even though i knew exactly what to say yday. however, this is what I do know, because of this week, i know some of you will experience a freedom that you have never experienced before. you may have been bound by lies, + God wants you to know the truth. if you’re wondering if this is your sign - it is! if today’s message was for you, pray these prayers today. God doesn’t need you to be perfect + set straight before you pray these or come to Him. when you are sick, you just simply go to the doctor ♥️🙏🏽


PT2, day 2 | q+a

what if decide to stop + make a mistake afterwards?

what if my partner doesn’t want to stop?

what if i’m still not sure?

what about the people who do, they seem happy?

look, i am no guru. i am not perfect. i have fell short many of times in this particular area. what i have learned is there is always a gray area in life, that’s why it’s called life. this is how i see it ➡️

God = very black and white ⚫️⚪️

Jesus = covers our gray areas 🔘

i would just advise you to seek God on your own life. i’ll even cut to the chase, you’re going to make mistakes because you have weaknesses lol but God will make you stronger + stronger. i was in this situation for 5 years, and in 1 year my entire life changed. the entire time i was in sin. it wasn’t until life completely broke me that i went running to the cross🏃🏽‍♀️

i don’t know your journey, your timing, your past, your upbringing, your mistakes, etc but i do know someone that does. ask Him, + be patient in waiting to hear from Him🙏🏽


PT3 | reason number two

i decided to abstain from sex because i didn’t know what thoughts were mine, and i couldn’t make decisions. i was always in a state of confusion and angst.

i was at a point in my life where i felt like i didn’t know who i was anymore. i didn’t recognize myself. removing sex would cut off the opportunity for more soul ties. after my last relationship, i felt like i needed a spiritual surgery, a heavenly cleansing from all that i had picked up.

i was with this person from 18 until 24, your most impressionable years. me and God had a lot of work to do, + it started with getting rid of everything i picked up. so i couldn’t mentally afford to pick up more from absolutely anyone.


PT4 | plain + simple

you may very well have strong feelings with the person you are dating, but a simple way to tell if it’s love or lust is by looking at what fruit the relationship produces 🍎

lust: confusion + loss of identity ❓

love: peace + clarity of purpose ♥️

by the time this relationship ended, i didn’t even know my own views on marriage, sex, or even church/tithes. just confusion! i had success in my life, but there was no fruit (matt. 7:16)

the things that substances + sex gave me - i now wanted from God.

alcohol gave me peace, God can give me that. (and it won’t be temporary)

sex gave me the feeling of being wanted, God was already chasing after me. (and it wouldn’t be temporary)

† Galatians 5:19-21

When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, the results are very clear: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins like these. Let me tell you again, as I have before, that anyone living that sort of life will not inherit the Kingdom of God

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